Monday, September 30, 2013

Rule of Thirds

This subject represents the rule of thirds by being in one third of the photo with a blank background.

The soup is the focus while the monsters make an interesting background.

The high definition of the dark mesh contrasts well with the white stain.

The blue stain is a strong focus compared to the white background and the light ring adds to the focus of the picture.

This subject is focused on the left side of the picture and the cross of the cement adds texture to the smoothness of the ground.

The street art shines against the black background and creates a cool effect.
This project was to focus on the rule of thirds principle in which the focus of the photo is in one third of the image, rather than the middle.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Repetition and Depth

This is the support beam of a shelf structure.
This is the border of a doorway that creates and interesting pattern with the curve of the entrance.

These are stacked cup lids in a coffee house that make an interesting photo with the light in the background.

Three people on a bench in the exact same position, right down to the smartphone.

A fence that separates the street from the front door of an apartment building.

A shoe with an interesting stitching pattern that curves out of view. The material of the shoe gives the image a soft texture that warms up the rest of the image, even through the black and white.
                                   This assignment was to capture repetition and depth.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Leading Lines

This is a post covered in staples. The staples give the image more texture.

This is a support beam with a cloudy background sky. The light from the sky makes a cool glow on the painted metal.

This is another post with a no smoking sticker. The interesting bit is how the clouds look much like smoke themselves.

This picture was taken inside the creases of a wall with the leading lines drawing the eye to the man in the background.

This photo of a ping pong net combines the idea of leading lines and repetition. The white stripe gives the image contrast.

These are boards from a construction site. The leading lines end quite abruptly.
This assignment was to find leading lines in and around my community. The lines draw the eye from one side of the frame to another, leading up to a background, if there is one.

Monday, September 9, 2013


This is an angle from below a construction site which shows the overlapping boards and cloudy sky
The focus in this picture is on the post head but involves the out of focus girl in the background.

In this picture, the dark colors make it hard to read what was posted on the pole.

This photo highlights the almost surreal transparency of clear tropical waters.
This is a flat perspective of a bottle top on a table, and accents the ripples in the metal.

This is another angle on the bottle top, more focused on the logo and the color contrast of the red on the blue table.

Two people stand at the top of a small stairway and provokes a strong feeling of walking out of the dark, into the light.

This is a sunset on a beach in the Carribean. The light creates an interesting color change in the sky, water, and sand.

The focus on this photo is the dark colored bottle which strongly contrasts the colorful background, almost as if it doesn't belong.
This project was to focus on an idea of 3x3 that highlights different angles and backgrounds.