Monday, September 23, 2013

Repetition and Depth

This is the support beam of a shelf structure.
This is the border of a doorway that creates and interesting pattern with the curve of the entrance.

These are stacked cup lids in a coffee house that make an interesting photo with the light in the background.

Three people on a bench in the exact same position, right down to the smartphone.

A fence that separates the street from the front door of an apartment building.

A shoe with an interesting stitching pattern that curves out of view. The material of the shoe gives the image a soft texture that warms up the rest of the image, even through the black and white.
                                   This assignment was to capture repetition and depth.


  1. I like the abstract qualities of some of the photos. I really like the photo of everyone sitting on the bench. It is very funny, but I feel like it doesn't repetition very well. I feel like it would be better from a different angle.

  2. I think all of these pictures strongly follow the idea of repetition and depth, except for the three people sitting together. I think it could be better if you were closer up to them, maybe closer to their hands with the smartphones, and the background being more infinite.

  3. I think the second photo is the best one because of its mysterious quality to it with much depth and repetition but the one of the people sitting is not as strong because of the little depth / repetition

  4. I love how the overall feel of your pictures is really mysterious. I love the second picture because you have taken the photo in such a way that the viewers would not have known what the original object was station. For the fourth photo, it would be better to perhaps take the picture of the people's backs because it is difficult for repetition in people, unless they are really similar.

  5. Swell photos Charlie! I will be completely honest with you and these ones are by far my favorite repetition and depth photos of everyone!! Your really stuck with the assignment and did so in really creative ways that most of us didn't think of! super groovy! keep it up superstar
