Thursday, January 16, 2014


This project was to use low shutter speed to capture interesting motion and light images.


  1. The fourth picture is the most interesting because it seems to be upside down but also flipped. The orange background and the silhouettes of the animals flow very well. The last photo could be edited so that more of the person can be seen while not losing the patterns in the background.

  2. youre photos are really cool. they all have a sort of creepy feel to them. I really like all your photos except the first. It looks overedited and I dont really know what the photo is. other than that great job

  3. All of these photos are crazy interesting. My favorite is definitely #4 because it looks like there is a silhouette in front of Joel's head and it makes for a really cool photo. Great work!

  4. I really love the first, third, and fifth! The first is very unique with its colors while still showing motion, the third is very trippy but artsy while still showing combinations of motion, and the fifth combines the cuteness of the subject to the motions of the lights! Least fave one is the second, since, although it shows motion, is to ugly.

  5. I love your first photo with the circle, I think it is beautiful. Your 5th photo I did not like too much, I thought it did not capture motion too well, but great job.

  6. the one of joel with the motion of lights is really good and the colors are really good. the first one is really good too.

  7. Charlie,
    I like your work with this collection. I like how you integrated both light motion and physical motion into the pictures. Good job!
