Thursday, October 24, 2013


A model looks blankly into the camera.

This model looks like shes deep into a story.

I love the motion in this photo. It makes the emotion more genuine.

This model looks a little discombobulated.

This photo expresses genuine boredom.

A very funny photographer took this photo.

I loved the idea of this motion photography because I think it produces the realest emotion.
This assignment was to mimic Richard Avedon and try to capture genuine emotion.


  1. You do a good job of trying to mimic Richard Avedon. You use black and white, the white background and the somewhat square frames. However, next time, try to make sure your models are all looking directly into the camera. Also avoid staging shots. Good Work!

  2. I think most of your photos are good examples of Avedon's "true" emotion photos. I really like the ones of Parvin whipping here hair back and forth, whipping her hair back and forth... I think the ones of Lizzy also show good genuine emotion.

  3. I really enjoy your photos, yet I have one problem with them. The assignment was to show no emotion from the subject and most of your photos the subject has an expression. I think these photos mimic Avedon's work, but not the ones we were suppose to mimic.

  4. I like how you got creative with the assignment. not all of them are as emotionless as possible but it makes them interesting. good job

  5. The photos with motion are very interesting, and good job on getting a very nearly completely white background. Overall a good shoot, maybe have the models look towards the camera in future shots.

  6. I like the movement you have in your photos a lot where it is freezing the action that we dont usually see in such detail. i also like the different emotions your photos show. great photos

  7. My favorite photo was definitely the one of Parvin whipping her hair. It shows a lot of realistic emotion and you really captured the moment. Great Photos
