Monday, December 2, 2013


A subject poses with his drivers license.

An example of people expressing their characters in a scenario.

This subject decided to put her eyelashes up.

Looking confused at the camera.

He always makes this face.

Posing for the camera.
The purpose of this assignment was to mimic Terry Richardson and have my subjects express themselves however they so choose.


  1. I really like these, and I think they strongly reflect Terry's work, as a lot of his subjects make silly or crazy faces and are in funny poses just like these. It is a very unique type of portraiture. I think maybe the one with Aidan and Lizzy isn't a little different than the others, and maybe doesn't fit in fully, but overall these are quite good. You should try to do some plain white background ones without shadow.

  2. I like how you imitate Terry Richardson. You do a good job of collecting different emotions and expressions. However, the photos feel more of posed photos rather than the models really expressing themselves. I also think that you should try to use brighter colors to really pull out the emotions and expression. Good Work!

  3. These pictures reflect Terry Richardson's style well. The persona of your subjects are captured through your photographs by allowing the subjects to decide on their expressions. You could try shooting with a plain background without any glares and shadows to keep the focus on the subjects and their expressions.

  4. I really like these and they definetely reflect Terry Richardson's style. You let the subjects chose their photo and that makes all of these photos very creative. Maybe work with a better background. good job

  5. I really like the photos and that I am in them, but your background is not always the same. Your photos are definitely different from the rest. Try to get a solid background.

  6. These photos were gold, for the most part. I really liked the way that you captured emotion with your models and some of them are very humorous as well! However, these photos can get a little bit repetitive after a while. My advice would be to try some other emotions or facial expressions as well.

  7. Hilarious. My favorite photo in this collection is the one of Aidan and Lizzy, however i think the photo of my sister is not as strong as the rest of the collection. One thing I recommend is that you dont use the flash.
